Pathway's in between cracks! Original Music by Andy J. Crowder & Mundrabillabong

Pathway's in between cracks!

 An emotive film for you. Soundtrack by Andy J. Crowder & Mundrabillabong. Track name Hiroshima. Find Andy on Instagram @andyjcrowder

This was an inspirational piece to unlock creativity in powerlessness. In this Covid Times.

In our heads it seems are all our hopes and dreams. Our destiny with stern view and harsh realities with lighting strikes and at man’s delight we crumble to our knees!

That’s right I asked you to listen withs ears open wide to my trunk my bunk and your house build so wide but you ducked and hid.

I know, did you just hear the raindrops on the roof, or the old bell ringing in your brittle head.

Wake up dear human, wake up!! Understand why you got the ringing, pounding in your head!

Is this going to be like a poem you put on a post? Or just old notebook waiting to encode.

Wake up! Get up and live your life. It’s where your heart is warm. Where sun glows and love seem’s so long. In love dance and sing to this song. On my way I fly like a bee and again. My mother calls!! .

A poem- By Louise Chen